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It is imperative that we have a representative who will work together with the community on issues around affordable housing, economic development, environment, transportation, and sustainable land use.   

As a former Fortune 500 company executive, Tammy Kim has experience in resolving highly complex business, management, and legal issues within large-scale enterprises.  Tammy has managed multi-million budgets, and over seen business operations on a global basis. As a small business owner, Tammy has worked with start-up companies and venture capital firms to help them improve business functions for themselves and their portfolio clients.  Tammy is able to understand and work through complex financial and business presented to the City Council. Tammy will leverage her business experience to improve economic development by working with small and large businesses. Tammy will help bring high quality jobs for our residents and generate revenues to increase our tax base. 


Tammy has been a community activist, providing a voice for Irvine's diverse community. As a nonprofit community leader, Tammy has advocated for working families, promoted bi-lingual education, protected and expanded language access for voters, and has worked to ensure that Orange County receives its fair share of resources through full participation in the federal census. Tammy currently serves on the boards of the Orange County Public Libraries and the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control, where she is Chair of the Policy & Personnel Committee. She also serves on the Board of Irvine’s Green Ribbon Committee and Irvine Child Care Project, and is on the liaison committee for Irvine Unified School District.


As a working mom, Tammy understands the day-to-day realities that residents face. Tammy will represent our working families by supporting policies that reinforce her commitment to finding viable solutions for affordable housing. Tammy will continue to fight for our working families and ensure that our teachers, our police officers, our health practitioners, and our firefighters can afford to live here. 

Tammy believes our working families enrich our community and she will ensure that Irvine is equitable and livable for all. 

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